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Project 3 focuses on the application of ADDON’s sheets.

The uses of ADDON’s sheets are endless. its uses began 

as a possible textural or an aromatic garnish for food.

On manipulating the ingredients of the sheets, i was able to gain greater flexibility of the material.


ADDON’s sheets can be used to make edible food wraps,water solluable packaging, biodegradable packaging and a lot

more. The sheets are 100% edible, non toxic and eco-friendly,

thus bio-degradable.


Spice Sachets



No more snipping to open. 

ADDON’s spice sachets are edible,flavored by

the spice they contain, and dissolve entirely

when mixed into a heated cooking vessel.




Tired of having to constantly adjust the wrapper around your burger? Would you rather eat it too? 

ADDON’s new agar-based burger wraps for 


McDonald’s let you do exactly that; each wrap 

is edible, flavored and easily digestible.


Now available in a variety of flavors for you to choose from. 

“to-go” bag



ADDON’s collaboration with McDonald’s goes 

one step beyond its edible burger wraps. 

The bag that your McDonald’s takeaway or 

home delivery arrives in is now produced using 

ADDON’S eco-friendly packaging sheets that 

are infused with whole plant seeds. Not only are 

your meals protected from external contaminants, 

but discarding them onto soil or mud actually 

contributes to environmental sustainability. 

Bouqet wrap



ADDON’s eco-friendly bouquet wraps for floral 

arrangements come infused with apple cider 

vinegar and sugar. 

While the vinegar inhibits bacterial growth, 

the sugar nourishes the flowers so that the

flowers continue to appear fresh even a week

after purchase.

Packet/Spice wrap



Even 2 minutes is too long when you’re hungry.

We at Maggi understand that even cutting and 

adding the spice sachet to your instant noodles 

is too time consuming. Which is why, all instant 

noodle blocks now come in ADDON’s, spice-infused 

edible wraps that dissolve immediately in hot water. 


What’s more, the outer packaging is made of ADDON’s biodegradable, plant-seed laden materials that can be

discarded in your garden, or the neighbors’, as your

noodles cook in less than a minute. 




The new ADDON-produced Nescafé coffee sachets come in pouches of 20, 50 and 100, each made 

of biodegradable, plant-seed infused material that 

can be discarded onto mud or soil. 


What better way to thank mother nature for your morning cuppa by helping her grow a plant?


Coffee Sachets



Instant coffee doesn’t get any more instant than this.


The new ADDON-produced Nescafé coffee sachets

not only dissolve completely in hot liquids, but also

impart your choice of flavor to your favorite brews. 


Available in classic coffee, cinnamon, lemon zest, 

ginger spice and other exciting flavors.

Shopping bag



Shopping made hassle-free by ADDON’s eco-friendly, 

plant-seed filled bags. 


Buy, fill, and discard guilt-free!


“Every good piece of art should end in the viewer 

eating it.” – ADDON. 


ADDON’s agar-based poster sheets are fully edible, making them the perfect choice for food-based 

colorings and creations. Biodegradable protective 

coverings sold separately.

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